英国国会议员敦促因流产而休带薪丧亲假,每年影响约25万名妇女。 UK MPs urge paid bereavement leave for miscarriages, impacting about 250,000 women yearly.
英国议员要求延长带薪丧亲假以涵盖流产, UK MPs are pushing for paid bereavement leave to be extended to cover miscarriages, currently affecting about one in five pregnancies. 妇女和平等委员会辩称,目前的病假没有提供足够的保密性或支持。 The Women and Equalities Committee argues the current sick leave does not offer enough confidentiality or support. 部长面临压力,要求他们修订就业权利法案,规定妇女及其伴侣在流产后可休两周带薪假,每年影响约250 000名妇女。 Ministers are under pressure to amend the employment rights bill to provide two weeks of paid leave for women and their partners after a miscarriage, impacting around 250,000 women annually.