联合王国政府扩大婴儿损失证明计划,将24周前的损失包括在内,无论何时发生。 UK government expands baby loss certificate scheme to include losses before 24 weeks, regardless of when they occurred.
联合王国政府扩大了其婴儿损失证明计划,现在允许父母在怀孕24周之前申请承认损失,无论损失何时发生。 The UK government has expanded its baby loss certificate scheme, now allowing parents to apply for recognition of losses before 24 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of when the loss occurred. 以前限于自2018年9月以来失去婴儿的人,该计划现在包括1992年10月以前某些情况下的损失。 Previously limited to those who lost babies since September 2018, the scheme now includes losses dating back to before October 1992 for certain cases. 该倡议旨在正式承认父母的悲痛,自发起以来,已经颁发了50 000多份证书。 This initiative aims to formally acknowledge the grief of parents and has issued over 50,000 certificates since its launch.