三个女孩死在马尼拉家中的火灾中, 母亲在洗澡时无法停止, Three girls died in a Manila home fire that their mother couldn't stop while bathing another child.
3名女孩(5岁、11岁和16岁)于星期二在马尼拉两层楼的家中失火身亡。 Three girls, aged 5, 11, and 16, died in a fire at their two-story home in Manila on Tuesday. 他们的母亲救不了他们,因为她正在楼下的另一个孩子洗澡。 Their mother could not save them as she was bathing another child downstairs. 浓烟和狭小的街道延误了救援工作,让消防员用一小时控制火势。 Thick smoke and narrow streets delayed rescue efforts, taking firefighters an hour to control the blaze. 火灾原因仍然不明。 The fire's cause is still unknown.