包括一名三岁小孩在内的四人在菲律宾巴塔安的一栋快速连线的房屋火灾中死亡。 Four people, including a three-year-old, died in a quick-contained house fire in Bataan, Philippines.
四人,包括一名三岁女孩,在马尼拉以西的Bataan省,星期天清晨的一次房屋火灾中死亡。 Four people, including a three-year-old girl, died in a house fire in Bataan province, west of Manila, early Sunday morning. 上午4时45分左右,一栋两层房屋的一楼起火,在不到30分钟内被消防员控制。 The fire started on the first floor of a two-story house around 4:45 a.m. and was controlled by firefighters in under 30 minutes. 消防局正在调查火灾的起因。 The Bureau of Fire Protection is investigating the cause of the fire.