Teen Tahjin Sommersall被控在伦敦教堂开枪后杀人;另外5人被捕。 Teen Tahjin Sommersall charged with murder in London church wake shooting; five others arrested.
18岁的Tahjin Sommersall被控谋杀44岁的Michelle Sadio。 12月14日,他在伦敦西北部一个教堂修道院外被车载枪击中被枪杀。 An 18-year-old, Tahjin Sommersall, is charged with the murder of 44-year-old Michelle Sadio, who was shot in a drive-by shooting outside a church wake in north-west London on December 14. Sommersall因两起谋杀未遂和持有危害生命的火器而面临额外指控。 Sommersall faces additional charges for two attempted murders and possessing a firearm to endanger life. 另有5名男子因与枪击有关而被捕。 Five other men were also arrested in connection with the shooting. 初步听证定于4月2日举行,审判定于10月进行。 A preliminary hearing is set for April 2, with a trial scheduled for October.