在南卡罗来纳州加夫尼发生争端后,26岁的McNeil被控谋杀和持枪在停车场枪杀Littlejohn。 26-year-old McNeil charged with murder and gun possession for shooting Littlejohn in a parking lot after a dispute in Gaffney, South Carolina.
26岁的Jondaijah McNeil被控在南卡罗来纳州Gaffney枪杀29岁的Tyler Littlejohn时犯有谋杀和持有武器罪。 Jondaijah McNeil, 26, has been charged with murder and weapon possession in connection with the shooting of 29-year-old Tyler Littlejohn in Gaffney, South Carolina. 事发于星期天初在Littlejohn与一辆汽车中的一名妇女发生纠纷后, The incident occurred early Sunday in a parking lot after Littlejohn engaged in a dispute with a woman in a car. 他中了好几次枪 He was shot multiple times. 调查正在进行中,并计划进行尸检。 The investigation is ongoing, and an autopsy has been scheduled.