圣诞节当天,格鲁吉亚Monroe发生枪击事件,造成Tyesha Colley死亡,她的丈夫受伤;嫌疑人Devin Sullivan被捕。 On Christmas Day, a shooting in Monroe, Georgia, left Tyesha Colley dead and her husband injured; suspect Devin Sullivan was arrested.
圣诞节当天,格鲁吉亚门罗发生枪击事件,导致35岁的Tyesha Colley死亡,她的丈夫Jermaul Colley(41岁)受伤。 On Christmas Day, a shooting in Monroe, Georgia, led to the death of Tyesha Colley, 35, and injured her husband, Jermaul Colley, 41. 嫌犯21岁,Devin Sullivan被捕,被控犯有谋杀罪和严重攻击罪。 The suspect, 21-year-old Devin Sullivan, was arrested and charged with murder and aggravated assault. Sullivan是受害者的亲属,被拘押在Walton县监狱。 Sullivan, a relative of the victims, was taken into custody and is being held at Walton County Jail. 警方仍在调查这次袭击的动机,尚未公布更多详情。 Police are still investigating the motive behind the attack and have not released further details.