朱利叶斯·斯莱奇在一次家庭纠纷中多次枪杀一名妇女后被逮捕。 Julius Sledge was arrested after shooting a woman multiple times in a domestic dispute.
Julius Tawun Sledge, 42岁,来自Crestview, 在一场家庭纠纷中向一名妇女多枪射击后,被逮捕并被控犯有蓄意谋杀未遂罪。 Julius Tawun Sledge, a 42-year-old from Crestview, was arrested and charged with attempted premeditated murder after shooting a woman multiple times during a domestic dispute. 受害人腿部和躯干受枪伤,被空运到医院接受手术,伤势严重,但情况稳定。 The victim, with gunshot wounds to her legs and torso, was airlifted to the hospital for surgery and is in serious but stable condition. Sledge逃离现场,但在几条街外被捕,没有交保。 Sledge fled the scene but was arrested several blocks away and is being held without bond.