密苏里商业团体提出诉讼,要求推翻提高最低工资和实行带薪病假的新法律。 Missouri business groups sue to overturn new law raising minimum wage and introducing paid sick leave.
密苏里商业集团正在提起诉讼,要求推翻一项选民批准的法律,该法将国家最低工资提高至今年1月的13.75美元和2026年的15美元,并从5月开始每年最多7天带薪病假。 Missouri business groups are suing to overturn a voter-approved law that increases the state's minimum wage to $13.75 this January and to $15 in 2026, and introduces up to seven paid sick days per year starting in May. 诉讼辩称,法律违反了州立宪法的单一主体要求,选民在费用和豁免问题上被误导。 The lawsuit argues the law violates the state constitution's single-subject requirement and that voters were misled about its costs and exemptions. 这些团体的目标是让密苏里最高法院宣布法律违宪并无效。 The groups aim to have the Missouri Supreme Court declare the law unconstitutional and invalid.