密歇根州最低工资在2月21日提高20%至12.48美元, 到2028年达到14.97美元, Michigan's minimum wage rises 20% to $12.48 on Feb 21, reaching $14.97 by 2028, with annual inflation adjustments.
2月21日,密歇根州最高法院作出裁决,恢复了对工资和病假法的重大修改,此后密歇根州最低工资将上升20%,达到每小时12.48美元。 Michigan's minimum wage will rise by 20% to $12.48 per hour on February 21, following a Michigan Supreme Court ruling that reinstated significant changes to wage and sick leave laws. 最低工资将逐年提高,到2028年达到14.97美元,然后根据通货膨胀进行调整。 The minimum wage will increase annually, reaching $14.97 by 2028, with adjustments for inflation thereafter. 领取小费的工人的最低工资将达到标准工资的48%,到2030年达到平等。 Workers receiving tips will have a minimum wage of 48% of the standard wage, equalizing by 2030. 一些餐馆工作人员对可能减少小费表示关切。 Some restaurant staff express concern over potential tip reductions.