弗吉尼亚州里士满附近发生2.8级地震, 直达费尔法克斯县。 A magnitude 2.8 earthquake struck near Richmond, Virginia, felt as far as Fairfax County.
2025年1月14日下午5点28分左右, 在弗吉尼亚州Richmond附近发生2.8级地震, A magnitude 2.8 earthquake struck near Richmond, Virginia, around 5:28 p.m. on January 14, 2025, centered in Henrico County’s Wyndham area. 地震波波及至费尔法克斯县,有800多人在USGS网站上报告。 The tremor was felt as far as Fairfax County and was reported by over 800 people on the USGS website. 没有损害或受伤的报告。 No damage or injuries were reported. 地震发生在2011年以5.8级地震闻名的中弗吉尼亚地震区沿线。 The quake occurred along the Central Virginia Seismic Zone, known for a 5.8 magnitude quake in 2011. 由于较老、较冷的地壳和成熟断层线,东海岸地震的感知更为广泛。 East Coast earthquakes are more widely felt due to older, colder crust and mature fault lines.