周六晚,北卡罗来纳州萨里县斯巴达附近发生了两次小地震(2.3、1.5),两次地震间隔不到一小时。 2 small earthquakes (2.3, 1.5) occurred in North Carolina's Surry County on Saturday night, less than an hour apart, near Sparta.
周六晚上,北卡罗来纳州萨里县发生了两次震级为2.3级和1.5级的小地震,相距不到一小时。 Two small earthquakes, with magnitudes of 2.3 and 1.5, occurred in North Carolina's Surry County on Saturday night, less than an hour apart. 第一次地震于晚上 7 点 48 分发生在北卡罗来纳州和弗吉尼亚州边境附近,第二次地震发生在大约一个小时后,震级为 1.5 级。 The first quake hit at 7:48 pm near the North Carolina-Virginia border, and the second, with a magnitude of 1.5, happened about an hour later. 两次地震均在斯巴达附近发生,其中 2020 年发生了一场破坏性的 5.1 级地震,造成 525 起损坏报告。 Both quakes were felt near Sparta, where a damaging 5.1 magnitude earthquake occurred in 2020, causing 525 reports of damage.