欧盟法院命令逮捕3名科索沃退伍军人,罪名是犯有司法行政罪。 EU court orders arrest of three Kosovo war veterans for justice administration offenses.
一个由欧洲联盟支持的法院下令逮捕三名科索沃退伍军人,罪名是犯有妨害司法罪。 A European Union-backed court has ordered the arrest of three Kosovo war veterans on charges of offenses against the administration of justice. 在此之前,两名退伍军人因战争罪被定罪,另外两名因妨害司法被定罪。 This follows previous convictions of two war veterans for war crimes and two others for obstructing justice. 法院是在2011年一份报告指控科索沃1998-1999年脱离塞尔维亚独立战争期间犯下战争罪之后设立的。 The court was established after a 2011 report alleging war crimes during Kosovo's 1998-1999 war for independence from Serbia. 虽然报告中有关人体器官贩运的指控没有包括在起诉书中,但科索沃与塞尔维亚之间的紧张关系仍然存在,塞尔维亚、俄罗斯和中国不承认科索沃2008年的独立。 While human organ trafficking allegations from the report have not been included in indictments, tensions between Kosovo and Serbia remain, with Kosovo's 2008 independence not recognized by Serbia, Russia, and China.