欧盟特使拉查克敦促科索沃和塞尔维亚恢复关于加入欧盟的正常化会谈。 EU envoy Lajcak urges Kosovo and Serbia to resume normalization talks for EU membership.
欧盟特使米罗斯拉夫·拉查克呼吁科索沃和塞尔维亚恢复正常化会谈,这对于其加入欧盟的前景至关重要。 EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak has called on Kosovo and Serbia to resume normalization talks, crucial for their EU membership prospects. 在访问普里什蒂纳期间,他会见了副总理贝斯尼克·比斯利米,并强调了他们领导人去年达成的执行协定。 During his visit to Pristina, he met with Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and emphasized implementing agreements made by their leaders last year. 9月发生致命的枪战,促使北约领导的维和人员加强在边界沿线的存在。 Tensions remain high following a deadly shootout in September, prompting NATO-led peacekeepers to bolster their presence along the border. 欧盟和美国都敦促谨慎行事,防止重新爆发冲突。 Both the EU and US are urging caution to prevent renewed conflict.