肯塔基州学生因未能提供适当和公平的教育而起诉国家。 Kentucky students sue the state for failing to provide adequate and equitable education.
肯塔基州学生已对州提起诉讼,声称政府未能按照1989年罗斯决定的要求提供适当和公平的教育。 Kentucky students have filed a lawsuit against the state, alleging it has failed to provide adequate and equitable education, as required by the 1989 Rose Decision. 问题包括识字率下降、心理健康危机、缺乏公民教育和有限的艺术课程。 Issues include declining literacy, mental health crises, lack of civics education, and limited arts programs. 肯塔基学生之声团队提出诉讼,计划举行一年的公开听证会,收集改进建议。 The Kentucky Student Voice Team, filing the lawsuit, plans a year of public hearings to gather recommendations for improvement.