南卡罗来纳州面临针对学校中种族和性别问题教学限制的民权诉讼。 South Carolina faces a civil rights lawsuit over restrictions on teaching racial and gender issues in schools.
南卡罗来纳州因限制在K-12学校教授种族不平等和性别问题, 面临联邦民权诉讼。 South Carolina faces a federal civil rights lawsuit over its restrictions on teaching racial inequality and gender issues in K-12 schools. 由法律辩护基金和Bailey律师事务所(LLC)存档的诉讼认为,这些限制相当于审查,违反言论自由,妨碍就种族相关问题进行准确教育。 Filed by the Legal Defense Fund and Bailey Law Firm, LLC, the lawsuit argues that these restrictions amount to censorship and violate free speech, preventing an accurate education on race-related issues. 国家教育部捍卫这些措施,指出这些措施旨在以正直的方式教授历史。 The state's education department defends the measures, stating they aim to teach history with integrity.