LAUSD面临一项诉讼,指控76.7M美元滥用用于艺术和音乐教育的资金。 LAUSD faces a lawsuit over alleged $76.7M misuse of funds meant for arts and music education.
洛杉矶统一学校区(LAUSD)面临一项法律诉讼,指控在提案28中滥用7 670万美元专用于艺术和音乐教育的资金。 The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) faces a lawsuit alleging the misuse of $76.7 million in funds earmarked for arts and music education under Proposition 28. 由学生、家长及提案作者Austin Beutner提交, 诉讼主张LAUSD因曲解及不当管理资金而剥夺学生艺术教育, Filed by students, parents, and the proposition's author, Austin Beutner, the suit claims LAUSD has deprived students of arts education by misinterpreting and mismanaging the funds. LAUSD坚持说,它遵循的是州准则。 LAUSD maintains it is following state guidelines.