团体提出民权投诉, 指控罗切斯特学校歧视白人教师。 Group files civil rights complaint alleging Rochester schools discriminate against white teachers.
捍卫教育的父母对罗切斯特公立学校提出了公民权利申诉,指控该区将白人教师排除在某些机会和方案之外,从而构成种族歧视。 Parents Defending Education has filed a civil rights complaint against Rochester Public Schools, accusing the district of racial discrimination by excluding white teachers from certain opportunities and programs. 申诉指称违反了《民权法》和《宪法》。 The complaint alleges violations of the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution. Rochester公立学校捍卫其方案,作为使教学人员多样化的努力。 Rochester Public Schools defends its programs as efforts to diversify the teaching staff. 目前,教育部正在审查此案。 The case is now under review by the Department of Education.