印度将在3月中旬前实现将20%的乙醇混合在汽油中,减少污染和石油进口。 India will achieve blending 20% ethanol in petrol by mid-March, reducing pollution and oil imports.
印度将在两个月内实现将20%的乙醇混入汽油的目标, India is set to meet its goal of blending 20% ethanol in petrol within two months, as announced by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. 这一做法始于2001年,旨在减少污染和减少对进口石油的依赖。 Initiated in 2001, this practice aims to decrease pollution and reduce dependence on imported oil. 源自甘蔗和其他作物的乙醇可显著降低一氧化碳排放量。 Ethanol, sourced from sugarcane and other crops, can significantly lower carbon monoxide emissions. 主要汽车制造商现在正在生产能够100%使用生物乙醇的车辆。 Major car manufacturers are now producing vehicles capable of running on 100% bio-ethanol.