印度计划到2047年将化石燃料依赖率减少到30%,增加可再生能源的使用。 India plans to reduce fossil fuel dependency to 30% by 2047, increasing renewable energy use.
印度石油和天然气部长哈迪普·普里(Hardeep Puri)宣布,到2047年,印度对化石燃料的依赖将下降到30%左右,标志着印度独立100周年。 India's Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister, Hardeep Puri, announced that the country's reliance on fossil fuels will drop to about 30% by 2047, marking its 100th year of independence. 这一向更清洁能源的过渡涉及对基础设施的大量投资,包括增加乙醇混合和使用天然气。 This transition towards cleaner energy sources involves significant investment in infrastructure, including increased ethanol blending and the use of natural gas. 印度的目标是到2030年从可再生能源中创造一半的能源。 India aims to generate half of its energy from renewables by 2030.