日本计划在2030年代之前规定新车的生物燃料兼容性,以减少二氧化碳排放量。 Japan plans to mandate biofuel compatibility in new cars by the 2030s to reduce CO2 emissions.
日本计划要求所有新的客车在20世纪30年代初达到生物燃料的兼容性,以减少二氧化碳排放量。 Japan plans to require all new passenger cars to be biofuel-compatible by the early 2030s to cut CO2 emissions. 工业部的目标是到2030年将汽油与10%的生物乙醇混合起来,到2040年增加到20%。 The industry ministry aims for gasoline to be blended with up to 10% bioethanol by 2030, increasing to 20% by 2040. 这些修改可由法律规定,该部将支持加油站的升级。 The changes may be mandated by law, and the ministry will support gas station upgrades. 由玉米和甘蔗制成的生物乙醇吸收二氧化碳,抵消燃烧时的排放量。 Bioethanol, made from corn and sugar cane, absorbs CO2, offsetting emissions when burned.