国际能源机构略微降低了2025年石油需求增长预测,但因经济复苏而出现总体上升。 IEA slightly lowers 2025 oil demand growth forecast but sees overall rise due to economic recovery.
国际能源机构(能源机构)今年对全球石油需求增长的预测略有减少。 The International Energy Agency (IEA) has slightly reduced its forecast for global oil demand growth this year. 尽管进行了这一调整,国际能源机构仍然预计,与去年相比,石油消费将大幅度增加。 Despite this adjustment, the IEA still anticipates a robust increase in oil consumption compared to last year. 这一前景反映了持续的经济复苏和不断上升的能源需求,尽管地缘政治紧张和经济波动等不确定因素继续影响石油市场。 This outlook reflects ongoing economic recovery and rising energy needs, though uncertainties like geopolitical tensions and economic volatility continue to influence the oil market.