第五巡回法院维护禁止非法移徙者持有火器的联邦法律。 5th Circuit Court upholds federal law prohibiting unlawful migrants from possessing firearms.
美国第五 The 5th U.S. 巡回上诉法院维持一项联邦法律,禁止在美国的移民非法持有火器。 Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a federal law prohibiting migrants in the U.S. unlawfully from possessing firearms. 这项裁决驳回了墨西哥男子Jose Paz Medina-Cantu的诉求,此人被判非法持有手枪,称这项裁决侵犯了他第二修正案的权利。 The ruling rejected claims by Jose Paz Medina-Cantu, a Mexican man convicted of illegal handgun possession, arguing it violated his Second Amendment rights. 法院坚持认为,最高法院最近扩大枪支权利的裁决不适用于非法移民,重申《第二修正案》不包括枪支权利。 The court maintained that recent Supreme Court rulings expanding gun rights do not apply to illegal immigrants, affirming that the Second Amendment does not include them.