在冬季盐意识周期间,威斯康星州敦促减少使用道路盐来保护水和水生生物。 Wisconsin urges reduced road salt use to protect water and aquatic life during Winter Salt Awareness Week.
在冬季盐意识周(1月27日至31日)期间,威斯康星州自然资源部和威斯康星州盐智者致力于教育公众了解道路盐对淡水生态系统和饮用水的有害影响。 During Winter Salt Awareness Week (January 27-31), the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Wisconsin Salt Wise aim to educate the public on the harmful effects of road salt on freshwater ecosystems and drinking water. 在威斯康辛州的河流、湖泊和地下水中发现氯化物含量过高,主要来自道路盐,危害水生生物和潜在的人类健康。 Excessive chloride levels, largely from road salt, have been found in Wisconsin's rivers, lakes, and groundwater, harming aquatic life and potentially human health. 国家营养局建议,通过铲铲、有效撒撒盐和在低温使用沙子等替代品,减少盐的使用。 The DNR recommends reducing salt use by shoveling, scattering salt effectively, and using alternatives like sand at lower temperatures. 另外, 印度国家公路局和交通部正在通过各种计划和法规尽量减少盐的使用. Additionally, the DNR and Department of Transportation are working to minimize salt use through various programs and regulations.