研究显示,大盐湖因农耕损失了大量水,人类用水需要削减35%。 Study shows Great Salt Lake has lost vast amounts of water due to farming, needing a 35% cut in human water use.
一项关于环境挑战的新研究发现,大盐湖30年来损失了超过150亿立方码的水,这主要是由于农业用水转移,主要用于阿尔法法和干草。 A new study in Environmental Challenges finds the Great Salt Lake has lost over 15 billion cubic yards of water over 30 years, mainly due to agricultural water diversions, mostly for alfalfa and hay. 为了稳定湖泊,研究人员提议在流域将人类用水量减少35%,包括削减灌溉作物和补偿受影响的农民。 To stabilize the lake, researchers propose reducing human water consumption by 35% in the watershed, which includes cutting back on irrigated crops and compensating affected farmers. 该湖对生态和经济至关重要,正在以惊人的速度缩小,威胁到生境和经济活动。 The lake, crucial for ecology and economy, is shrinking at an alarming rate, threatening habitats and economic activities.