研究发现,冬季道路盐严重危害不列颠哥伦比亚鲑鱼蛋,促使人们呼吁使用更安全的替代品。 Study finds winter road salt severely harms BC salmon eggs, prompting calls for safer alternatives.
西岸科学家的一项研究发现,冬季使用的道路盐可能对新鲜受肥的鲑鱼蛋致命。 A study by West Coast scientists finds that road salt used in winter may be lethal to freshly fertilized salmon eggs. 小溪中的盐含量在冬季猛增,达到安全限值的十倍,导致近100%的鸡蛋死亡。 Salt levels in creeks spike during winter, reaching up to ten times the safe limit, leading to near 100% egg mortality. 研究者建议城市减少岩盐的使用, 选择盐水溶液, 推广雨水园以过滤径流。 Researchers suggest municipalities reduce rock salt use, opting for brine solutions, and promote rain gardens to filter runoff. 这将有助于保护未来几代不列颠哥伦比亚鲑鱼。 This could help protect future generations of BC salmon.