一名联邦法官暂时阻止了密西西比州的网站年龄验证法,称其违反宪法限制了网络言论。 A federal judge temporarily blocked Mississippi's age verification law for websites, stating it unconstitutionally limits online speech.
一名联邦法官暂时阻止了密西西比州要求对网站和数字服务用户进行年龄验证的法律,称该法律将违宪地限制未成年人和成年人的在线言论自由。 A federal judge temporarily blocked Mississippi's law requiring age verification for users of websites and digital services, stating it would unconstitutionally limit access to online speech for minors and adults. 该法律旨在保护儿童免受色情材料的侵害,并受到包括谷歌、Snap Inc. 和 Meta 在内的科技行业组织 NetChoice 的挑战。 The law aimed to protect children from sexually explicit material and was challenged by tech industry group NetChoice, which includes Google, Snap Inc., and Meta. 该组织已成功阻止了阿肯色州、加利福尼亚州和俄亥俄州的类似法律的实施。 The group has successfully halted similar laws in Arkansas, California, and Ohio.