英国认为共享智能计量数据可以找到更便宜、更环保的能源交易, UK considers sharing smart meter data to find cheaper, greener energy deals, sparking privacy concerns.
联合王国政府正在考虑一项计划,允许能源公司与第三方分享智能计量数据,以帮助消费者找到更便宜、更绿色的交易。 The UK government is considering a plan to allow energy companies to share smart meter data with third parties to help consumers find cheaper and greener deals. 批评者认为这可能导致隐私入侵,而支持者则声称这可以降低成本和碳排放。 Critics argue this could lead to privacy invasions, while supporters claim it could lower costs and carbon emissions. 政府正在就该提案进行磋商,该提案要求顾客同意,并承诺采取严格的安全措施。 The government is consulting on the proposal, which requires customer consent and promises strict security measures.