英国的能源公司可以再次在未经家庭同意的情况下安装预付费电表。 Energy companies in England can once again install prepayment meters without a household's consent.
由于供应商的不良行为严重影响了陷入困境的客户,法国电力公司(EDF)、八达通公司(Octopus)和苏格兰电力公司(Scottish Power)等三大能源供应商在暂时禁令后已获准重新启动强制安装预付费电表。 Three major energy suppliers, EDF, Octopus, and Scottish Power, have been granted permission to restart forced installation of prepayment meters after a temporary ban due to bad behavior by suppliers severely affecting struggling customers. 能源公司必须满足某些条件才能安装这些设备,并被告知不要在有弱势居民的家庭中安装电表。 The energy firms had to meet certain conditions before they could install the devices, and have been told not to install the meters in homes with vulnerable occupants. 客户和消费者团体现在可以在 Ofgem 网站上查看能源供应商是否可以在未经家庭许可的情况下安装预付费电表。 Customers and consumer groups can now check energy suppliers on the Ofgem website that can install prepayment meters without a household's permission.