在祖马海滩为5 000名消防员设立临时村庄,以对抗洛杉矶的毁灭性火灾。 Temporary village for 5,000 firefighters set up on Zuma Beach to combat devastating Los Angeles fires.
在马里布的祖马海滩设立了一个临时村庄,有多达5 000名消防员,在洛杉矶与火灾作斗争。 A temporary village for up to 5,000 firefighters battling fires in Los Angeles has been set up on Zuma Beach in Malibu. 营地配有拖车和帐篷,充当消防员可以吃饭、睡觉和康复的家用基地。 The camp, featuring trailers and tents, serves as a home base where firefighters can eat, sleep, and recuperate. 来自加利福尼亚监狱的囚犯通过准备膳食来提供协助。 Inmates from California prisons assist by preparing meals. 该村支持与火灾作斗争,这些火灾摧毁了12 000个建筑物,使92 000人流离失所,造成24人丧生。 The village supports the fight against fires that have destroyed 12,000 structures and displaced 92,000 people, with 24 lives lost.