研究显示,加拿大年轻人对宗教持负面看法,认为宗教是反智力的,是自由的障碍。 Study shows young Canadians view religion negatively, seeing it as anti-intellectual and a barrier to freedom.
一项研究表明,加拿大有组织的宗教的衰落与加拿大年轻人对宗教的看法发生重大变化有关。 A study reveals that the decline of organized religion in Canada is linked to a significant shift in how younger Canadians perceive religion. “反智力”、“文化”和“迷信”等术语现在经常描述宗教,特别是在15-35岁的人中。 Terms like "anti-intellectual," "cultish," and "superstitious" now commonly describe religion, especially among those aged 15-35. 这种负面观念在1960年代后发展,受到世俗高等教育和进步运动(如女权主义和同性解放)的扩大的影响,后者将宗教视为个人自由和真实性的障碍。 This negative perception developed after the 1960s, influenced by the expansion of secular higher education and progressive movements like feminism and gay liberation, which viewed religion as a barrier to individual freedom and authenticity. 此外,宗教常常与美国基督教权利联系在一起,进一步助长了其消极形象。 Additionally, religion is often associated with the U.S. Christian Right, further contributing to its negative image.