六名印度士兵在查谟和克什米尔Khamba Fort附近的地雷爆炸中受伤。 Six Indian soldiers were injured in a landmine explosion near Khamba Fort in Jammu and Kashmir.
6名印度陆军士兵星期二在查谟和克什米尔Rajouri区Nowshera区Khamba Fort附近的地雷爆炸中受伤。 Six Indian Army soldiers were injured on Tuesday in a landmine explosion near Khamba Fort in the Nowshera sector of Rajouri district, Jammu and Kashmir. 爆炸于上午10时45分左右发生,当时一名士兵在例行巡逻时意外引爆了一枚地雷。 The explosion occurred around 10:45 am when a soldier accidentally triggered a landmine during a routine patrol. 受伤者被送往医院,据报医院的状况稳定。 The injured were taken to a hospital where their conditions were reported stable. 控制线附近的地区装有地雷,作为防渗透措施,但暴雨有时会使他们流离失所,导致此类事故。 The area near the Line of Control is equipped with landmines as an anti-infiltration measure, but heavy rains can sometimes displace them, leading to such accidents.