在Chhattisgarh省Bijapur的一次反毛派行动中,两名CRPF突击队员因简易爆炸装置爆炸受伤。 Two CRPF commandos were injured by an IED blast in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, during an anti-Maoist operation.
在Chhattisgarh省Bijapur发生的一次反毛派行动中,两名CRPF突击队员在简易爆炸装置爆炸中受伤。 Two CRPF commandos were injured in an IED blast in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh, during an anti-Maoist operation. Mridul Barman和Mohd Ishaq接受了初步治疗,并被空运到Raipur接受进一步护理。 Mridul Barman and Mohd Ishaq received initial treatment and were airlifted to Raipur for further care. 他们的状况稳定。 Their condition is stable. 爆炸发生在安全人员无意中与压力IED接触后。 The blast occurred after the security personnel inadvertently contacted the pressure IED. 这一事件是在5名毛派分子最近遭遇杀害事件后发生的,导致收缴了武器和炸药。 This incident follows a recent encounter where five Maoists were killed, leading to the recovery of weapons and explosives. 该地区以毛派活动和简易爆炸装置攻击闻名。 The region is known for Maoist activities and IED attacks.