Palatka修补水的气味;250k项目目标“罗腾蛋”的气味来自通风塔。 Palatka fixes water smell; $250k project targets 'rotten egg' odor from aeration towers.
Palatka市的承包商正在修复当地水处理厂的两座通风塔,以消除硫化氢造成的“热蛋”气味。 City contractors in Palatka are repairing two aeration towers at the local water treatment plant to eliminate a 'rotten egg' smell caused by hydrogen sulfide. 该项目于1月9日开始,预计将在星期五完成。 The project, approved up to $300k but currently estimated at $250k, began on January 9 and is expected to be finished by Friday. 尽管有气味,但水仍然安全饮用。 Despite the odor, the water remains safe to drink. 一旦完成,常规维护应防止这种气味20到30年。 Once completed, regular maintenance should prevent the smell for 20 to 30 years.