市长为希洛衰败的废水处理厂发出紧急命令,准备进行重大翻修。 Mayor issues emergency order for Hilo's failing wastewater plant, set for major renovation.
西夏威夷市市长Kimo Alameda发布紧急公告,为希洛废水处理厂可能倒闭做准备。 Mayor Kimo Alameda of West Hawaii issued an emergency proclamation to prepare for potential failure of the Hilo Wastewater Treatment Plant. 3.37亿美元的重建项目定于3月开始执行,该项目将在五年内提高工厂的能力,安装先进的过滤器、新的消化器和更好的气味控制。 The $337 million rehabilitation project, set to begin in March, will upgrade the plant's capacity over five years, installing advanced filtration, new digesters, and better odor control. 该厂为大约30,000居民提供服务,自1996年以来就一直面临问题,没有经过翻新。 The plant, which serves about 30,000 residents, has faced issues and hasn't been renovated since 1996.