俄克拉荷马州参议员提出法案,禁止在30万以下城市(不包括大城市)提供无家可归者服务。 Oklahoma senator proposes bill to ban homeless services in cities under 300,000, excluding major cities.
俄克拉荷马州参议员Lisa Standridge提出参议院第484号法案,禁止居民不到30万人的城市提供无家可归者服务,但俄克拉荷马州和塔尔萨除外。 Oklahoma Senator Lisa Standridge has proposed Senate Bill 484, which would ban municipalities with fewer than 300,000 residents from providing homeless services, excluding Oklahoma City and Tulsa. 该法案将强制关闭较小城市的现有庇护所,并影响那些没有固定住所的人,包括逃离暴力的人。 The bill would force the closure of existing shelters in smaller cities and affect those without a fixed residence, including those fleeing violence. 批评者认为该法案是分裂性的,未能有效解决无家可归问题。 Critics argue the bill is divisive and fails to address homelessness effectively. 如果颁布该法,该法将于2025年11月1日生效。 If enacted, the law would take effect on November 1, 2025.