佛罗里达州法案旨在禁止无家可归者在公共财产上露营,允许各县在州政府许可的情况下指定特定地点。 Florida bill seeks to ban homeless camping on public property, allowing counties to designate specific sites with state permission.
佛罗里达州的一项法案旨在禁止无家可归者在公共财产上露营,允许各县在获得州许可的情况下指定特定地点作为无家可归者营地。 A Florida bill aims to ban homeless camping on public property, with counties allowed to designate specific sites as homeless camps with state permission. 批评者认为,惩罚在没有庇护所的情况下露宿户外的无家可归者违反了残酷和不寻常的惩罚条款。 Critics argue that punishing homelessness for sleeping outside without shelter violates the cruel and unusual punishment clause. 该法案引发了人们对其对地方政府的影响以及佛罗里达州日益严重的无家可归危机的担忧。 The bill has sparked concerns about its impact on local governments and the increasing homelessness crisis in Florida.