在堪萨斯州威尔逊县牧场发现人体骨骼遗骸;KBI调查正在进行中。 Human skeletal remains found in Wilson County, Kansas pasture; KBI investigation ongoing.
9月24日,在堪萨斯州威尔逊县农村的牧场发现了人体骨骼遗骸。 Human skeletal remains were found in a pasture in rural Wilson County, Kansas, on September 24. Neodesha警察局发现了遗骸,并寻求堪萨斯调查局(KBI)的帮助。 The Neodesha Police Department discovered the remains and sought help from the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI). 计划进行尸体解剖,不过由于尸体的状况,辨认遗骸可能需要更长的时间。 An autopsy is planned, although identifying the remains may take longer due to their condition. KBI正在敦促任何有信息的人在1-800-KS-CRIME与他们联系,或在网上提交提示。 The KBI is urging anyone with information to contact them at 1-800-KS-CRIME or submit tips online. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.