Golling一家人用用排水池驱动的自制泵,从野火中拯救了家园。 Golling family saved their home from wildfires using a homemade pump powered by their drained pool.
在洛杉矶的Palisades高地,Golling家族通过使用自制水泵从野火中拯救了他们的家园,该水泵的动力来自他们耗尽的20 000加仑水池。 In Palisades Highlands, Los Angeles, the Golling family saved their home from wildfires by using a homemade water pump powered by their drained 20,000-gallon pool. 安装了3 700美元的水泵,作为防范措施,允许他们连续10小时使用其财产。 The $3,700 pump, installed as a precaution, allowed them to douse their property for 10 hours straight. 家庭强调准备工作的重要性,建议储水箱和清理植被,以便更好地防火。 The family stresses the importance of preparation, suggesting water storage tanks and clearing vegetation for better fire protection.