俄克拉荷马州沙泉市一家废弃房屋的火灾被归为完全损失,需要4 000多加仑的水,涉及两个消防部门。 Fire at an abandoned house in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, classed as total loss, required over 4,000 gallons of water and involved two fire departments.
沙泉和绿色乡村志愿消防队对俄克拉何马州Sand Springs街10街和Terrace大道附近一座废弃房屋的火灾作出反应。 The Sand Springs and Green Country Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a fire at an abandoned house near 10th Street and Terrace Drive in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. 由于距离水龙头很远,他们用4 000加仑的水扑灭火焰。 Due to the distance from a hydrant, they used over 4,000 gallons of water to extinguish the flames. 虽然这座房屋被列为完全损失, 但火灾被控制, The home was completely destroyed, classified as a total loss, but the fire was contained to prevent further spread.