加拿大冰壶运动员布莱恩·哈里斯 (Briane Harris) 被清除兴奋剂违规行为,获准重返赛场。 Canadian curler Briane Harris cleared of doping violation, allowed to return to sport.
体育仲裁法院已宣布加拿大Curler Briane Harris 违反反兴奋剂规则。 The Court of Arbitration for Sport has cleared Canadian curler Briane Harris of an anti-doping rule violation. Harris去年2月被停职, 测试呈阳性 微量的Ligandrol, 一种违禁物质。 Harris was suspended last February after testing positive for trace amounts of Ligandrol, a banned substance. 法院认定,她没有过失或疏忽,因此撤销了停职令,允许她在将近一年之后返回体育运动。 The court found that she had no fault or negligence in the violation and lifted her suspension, allowing her to return to the sport after nearly a year away.