希腊运动员被驱逐出巴黎奥运村, 检测结果呈阳性. Greek athlete expelled from Paris Olympics' village, tests positive for banned substances.
希腊奥运委员会指出, 希腊运动员在测试违禁物质后被从巴黎奥运村驱逐出, Greek athlete expelled from Paris Olympics' village after testing positive for banned substances, according to Hellenic Olympic Committee. 希腊国家反兴奋剂组织 (EOKAN) 暂停了这名身份不明的运动员的比赛. The athlete, whose identity remains undisclosed, has been provisionally suspended by Greece's National Anti-Doping Organization (EOKAN). 这标志着巴黎运动会期间的少数积极测试之一,尼日利亚和伊拉克的运动员也进行积极测试。 This marks one of the few positive tests during the Paris Games, with athletes from Nigeria and Iraq also testing positive.