巴里克·戈德(Barrick Gold)在政府从马里矿址缴获2.45亿美元黄金后,停止了在马里的业务。 Barrick Gold halts operations in Mali after government seized $245M in gold from its site.
Barrick Gold是一家主要的金矿开采公司,在政府从Loulo-Gouunkoto矿址没收价值2.45亿美元的黄金后,将暂时停止在马里的业务。 Barrick Gold, a major gold mining company, will temporarily stop its operations in Mali after the government seized $245 million worth of gold from its Loulo-Gounkoto mining site. 这一行动导致公司与马里政府之间的紧张局势加剧。 This action has led to increased tensions between the company and the Malian government. 没收黄金的理由尚未公开披露。 The reason for the gold seizure has not been publicly disclosed.