马里指控Barrick Gold违反关于资源分配的临时协议。 Mali accuses Barrick Gold of breaching a tentative agreement on resource distribution.
马里当局指控Barrick Gold Corp.没有履行与旨在公平分配资源的暂定协议有关的承诺。 Malian authorities have accused Barrick Gold Corp. of failing to meet commitments related to a tentative agreement aimed at equitable resource distribution. 政府批评该公司的社会和环境影响, 而Barrick则否认指控, The government criticized the company's societal and environmental impact, while Barrick denies the allegations and asserts it is negotiating in good faith. 在9月30日协议之后,Barrick向政府支付了500亿非洲法郎(8 500万美元),并继续致力于解决争端。 Following the September 30 agreement, Barrick paid the government FCFA 50 billion ($85 million) and remains committed to resolving the dispute.