由于 TikTok 面临潜在的美国禁令,用户转向中国应用程序 Rednote 以示抗议。 As TikTok faces a potential U.S. ban, users shift to Rednote, a Chinese app, in protest.
面临潜在禁令的 TikTok 用户正在转向中国应用小红书,也称为 Rednote,该应用已飙升至美国 App Store 的榜首。 TikTok users, facing a potential ban, are shifting to the Chinese app Xiaohongshu, also known as Rednote, which has surged to the top of the US App Store. 尽管该应用程序主要使用普通话,但用户正在寻找替代方案来维持他们的社交媒体形象。 Despite the app being mainly in Mandarin, users are seeking alternatives to maintain their social media presence. 如果 TikTok 的所有者字节跳动不出售该平台,该禁令将于 1 月 19 日生效。 The ban is set to take effect on January 19 if TikTok's owner, ByteDance, doesn't sell the platform. 小红书于 2013 年推出,每月用户超过 3 亿,包含照片、视频和文字帖子。 Xiaohongshu, launched in 2013, has over 300 million monthly users and features a mix of photos, videos, and text posts.