美国面临初级保健医生短缺问题,到2036年医生人数将减少多达40 400人。 U.S. faces looming primary care doctor shortage, with up to 40,400 fewer doctors by 2036.
医学院正在努力发挥初级保健的作用,预计到2036年将短缺20,200至40,400名医生。 Medical schools are struggling to fill primary care roles, with a projected deficit of 20,200 to 40,400 doctors by 2036. 尽管一些学校侧重于培训初级保健医生,但许多学生选择高薪专业,因为有更好的财政激励和声望。 Despite some schools focusing on training primary care doctors, many students opt for higher-paying specialties due to better financial incentives and prestige. 短缺可能导致病人的健康福利减少,包括更多的住院和慢性病。 The shortage could lead to fewer health benefits for patients, including more hospital visits and chronic illness. 为解决低工资和缺乏初级保健支助的问题,建议提高人们的兴趣。 Addressing low pay and lack of support in primary care is suggested to boost interest.