新西兰各大学提议通过增加招生和资金,每年再培训300名没有新设施的医生。 New Zealand universities propose to train 300 more doctors annually without new facilities by increasing intake and funding.
新西兰奥塔戈大学和奥克兰大学提议每年在无新设施的情况下再培训300名受过国内培训的医生,增加医科学生的招生人数并为其提供资金。 New Zealand's University of Otago and University of Auckland propose to train an additional 300 domestically trained doctors annually without new facilities, by increasing medical student intake and funding them. 他们建议到2027年将招生人数提高到889人,改善当地训练有素医生的留任情况,并注重供资,而不是建造第三所医学院。 They suggest raising the intake to 889 by 2027, improving retention of locally trained doctors, and focusing on funding rather than building a third medical school. 大学认为,问题在于资金、临床安置和留住医生,而不是教育设施。 The universities argue that the issue is funding, clinical placements, and retaining doctors, rather than education facilities.