乌干达法院判定前上帝军指挥官Thomas Kwoyelo因1992-2005年所犯罪行而有罪,这是乌干达国内第一次审判。 Ugandan court convicts ex-LRA commander Thomas Kwoyelo for crimes committed 1992-2005, first domestic trial in Uganda.
乌干达法院判定前上帝抵抗军(上帝军)指挥官Thomas Kwoyelo在1992-2005年期间犯有国际罪行,包括谋杀、绑架、强奸、酷刑和抢劫。 Ugandan court convicts former Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) commander, Thomas Kwoyelo, for international crimes committed between 1992-2005, including murder, abduction, rape, torture, and pillaging. 这是乌干达首次对此类罪行进行国内审判。 This is the first domestic trial for such crimes in Uganda. 2009年被捕的Kwoyelo被拒绝大赦。 Kwoyelo, captured in 2009, was denied amnesty. 法院将确定适当的量刑,检察官将争取更多的时间提出建议。 The court will determine an appropriate sentence, with prosecutors seeking more time to submit their recommendations. 辩方在收到法庭的详细判决后会做出回应 The defense will respond after receiving the court's detailed judgment.