两名缅甸国民因试图在Mizoram走私约1.48美元外币而被逮捕。 Two Myanmar nationals were arrested for trying to smuggle about ₹1.48 crore in foreign currency in Mizoram.
两名缅甸国民在Mizoram的Siaha区被捕,罪名是企图走私价值约1.48克朗的外汇。 Two Myanmar nationals were arrested in Mizoram's Siaha district for attempting to smuggle foreign currency worth around ₹1.48 crore. 这次行动由阿萨姆步枪和米佐拉姆警察根据情报报告进行,并导致两部移动电话和一辆摩托车被没收。 The operation, carried out by the Assam Rifles and Mizoram Police based on intelligence reports, also led to the seizure of two mobile phones and a motorcycle. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.