印度部队在一次边境行动中缉获了22公斤以上的甲基苯丙胺,价值830万美元。 Indian forces seized over 22 kg of methamphetamine worth $8.3 million in a border operation.
在Mizoram、Assam步枪和州警察的一次联合行动中,缴获了价值68.03卢比的22,676公斤甲基苯丙胺片片。 In a joint operation in Mizoram, Assam Rifles and state police seized 22.676 kg of methamphetamine tablets worth Rs 68.03 crore. 缅甸国民逃回本国,将毒品抛在身后。 Myanmar nationals fled back to their country, leaving the drugs behind. 这次查获是目前遏制印度-缅甸边境贩毒努力的一部分,该地区在不到两周的时间里缉获了102卢比以上价值的毒品。 This seizure is part of ongoing efforts to curb drug trafficking along the India-Myanmar border, with over Rs 102 crore worth of drugs seized in the region in less than two weeks.